Board of the Association

Nikitchenko Valerii
Chairman of the Board of Association “OSMD of Kyiv city”
Chairman of the Board of Association “OSMD of Darnytskyi district of Kyiv”
Born on October 4, 1975 in the city of Poltava.
Since 2013, Chairman of the Board of the OSMD “Oberig na Poznyakah”, which he effectively manages, embodies energy-saving methods and has long-term victories in contests of the energy modernization program of houses in KCSA and their successful implementation.
Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of the Association “OSMD of Darnytskyi district, Kyiv”.
Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of the Association “OSMD LIVOBERIZHZHIA”.
Co-founder and Head of the Association “OSMD of Kyiv city”.
Organizer and participant of seminars and forums on energy efficiency programs and development of OSMD in general. Has higher education in the fields of legal and economics.
Defended dissertation in 2012, was awarded the scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences in the specialty of administrative law and process, financial law, information law. Worked as deputy head of the treaty and legal department of the Kirovograd DC Center of Legal Assistance of the Department of Justice in Kirovograd region, worked as the head of legal department of audit firm “NikVasAle”, the legal adviser and the head of legal department of JSC “Ukrainian-Siberian Investment Corporation”, deputy director of Legal Affairs, “Dartley” SC, deputy director of the “Gavir State Enterprise”, deputy head of the legal department – head of the claims management department of the State Committee of Ukraine of the state material reserve. Was awarded the 7th rank of a civil servant.
Founder and CEO of “Nikitchenko & Partners” Law firm, which is a laureate of the “Ukrainian Legal Olympus” Award. A lawyer since 2008. Co-founder and President of the Bar Association “Svoboda”. President of the “Svoboda” Association. Head of the Arbitration court. He works as an associate professor at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, also is a teacher of economic and environmental law. Actively takes part in public activities, co-founder of the Public Association “Darnytska Gromadska Varta,” member of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine and member of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine, Major General of the Cossacks, chieftain at legal department of the union of Cossacks.
Hobbies: diving, hunting, single combats.
Black belt in karate, СMS in swimming, СMS in bullet shooting.
Married, has two sons.
Tel.: +380 67 503 85 50

Yakivets Vitalii
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Association “OSMD of Kyiv city”
34 years old, was born in the city of Kyiv. Has higher education, graduated from National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
Chairman of the board of the Housing cooperative “Rychkovyk-2”.
Took part in the local elections of 2020 to the Kiev City Council.
Tel.: +380 96 847 98 22, +380 93 9696 333

Pyndyk Valerii
Chairman of the Board of Association “OSMD of Solomianskyi district of Kyiv”.
Born on September 12, 1975 in the city of Kyiv.
From 2012 to the present is Chairman of the Board of OSMD “Lokomotiv Kyiv”.
Assistant-Consultant to a KСС Deputy, secretary, member of Standing Commission on the Election of Heads of Municipal Property of the Industry Department and entrepreneurship KSCA.
Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of the Association “OSMD of Solomianskyi district, Kyiv”, which he actively develops, conducts seminars, consultations and reception of citizens on the issues of creation of the OSMD. He collaborates with Solomianska DSA, housing and utilities and the Department of Housing and communal services of the KCC.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association “OSMD of Kiev”. Completed education at Kyiv State Economics and Technology Transport University and Kyiv Technology Transport College.
He began his career with the “Berezka” Cooperative, worked as a mechanic-repairman of cars. Then he worked at the South-West
railway, and the Communal Association “Kyivgorgidroshlyakhmost.”
He was engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of passengers and cargo transportation. Served as deputy director on commercial and organizational affairs at a construction company.
Raises a daughter.
Tel.: +380 67 750 01 99

Svintozelska Olena
Chairwoman of the Board of Association “OSMD of Desnianskyi district of Kyiv”
Was born on 15.10.1960 in the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region.
In 2010, she was elected Head of the Board of OSMD “Kyivenergo”. In 2018, became a business manager of OSMD “Kyoto 3”.
Head of the Association “OSMD of Desnianskyi district of Kyiv”. Deputy Head of the Association “OSMD of Kiev city” on issues of co-financing programs.
In 2012 she started the reconstruction of the apartment house. Equipment was completely replaced with modern. In 2015, she took part in the 30/70 program on energy saving methods, with the help of which thermal modernization and reconstruction of the house were implemented.
Recieved thanks from the city for promoting city co-financing programs in Kiev. She is actively engaging in the field of housing and public utilities.
Graduated from Makyivskyi Civil Engineering Institute in 1987. Specialty: Heat and gas supply and ventilation. Worked as an engineer at the HCС plant. Head of the configuration and realization department of “Agroprombud”. Since 1995, she is engaged in a private business.
Married, has two sons and four grandchildren.
Tel.: +380 67 267 32 32

Bezkorovaina Yuliia
Chairwoman of the Board of Association “OSMD of Pecherskyi district of Kyiv”
Born on July 28, 1978 in the city of Cherkasy.
Head of the Association “OSMD of the Pechers’kyi district, Kyiv”, deputy head of the Association “OSMD of the Kyiv city” that cooperates with local and executive authorities.
From 2018 to the present, is the Head of the Board of the Association of co-owners of the apartment building “Staronavodnitska 6-B”. She has a qualification certificate of the residential building Manager, also she had graduated from the Institute of Postgraduate Education under the program: organization of residential complex management activities.
Graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with a degree in law, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine with a master’s degree in Public Service, qualified as a Master of Public Service 2020. Graduate student of “Department of Theory of Law and State”, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Worked as a legal adviser to “Valenta Group” LLC, as a consultant assistant to a People’s Deputy of Ukraine, legal adviser to “FRUITLIFE” LLC, sector consultant, first category specialist, worked as a leading sector specialist on access to public information and citizen appeals of the secretariat of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine.
A lawyer from 2018 to the present moment.
Tel.: +380 68 655 83 08

Levitas Henadii
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Association “OSMD of Dniprovskyi district of Kyiv“
Was born on September 12, 1980 in the city of Kyiv.
Was elected to the Board of OSMD “Voskresenska 14Е” in 2016.
Since 2019, Chairman of the Board of the Association of OSMD “Parkovi Ozera”.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association “OSMD and HCC of the Dniprovskyi region, Kyiv” since 2020.
Member of the Board of the Association “OSMD of Kyiv city”.
Actively engaged in social activities. Within the framework of the “Parkovi Ozera” RC he creates and develops a security system, organizes modern processes of servicing common territories, introduces new standards of life quality for more than 10,000 people of Kyiv. Actively promotes the idea of establishment of the OSMD among property owners and provides them information assistance.
Co-author of various Public Projects.
Graduated from Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law with a master’s degree in management. Second higher education: Institute of Postgraduate Education of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Psychology, in the process of obtaining a master’s degree.
Has been engaged in his own business for more than ten years, director of “Znak Yakosti” LLC.
Married, raising three sons.
Tel.: +380 97 351 77 77

Svetenko Yuliia
Chairwoman of the Board of Association “OSMD of Svyatoshinskyi district of Kyiv”
Born in the city of Kamenskoye, Dnipropetrovsk region, 42 years old, received school and higher education in Zaporizhzhia. She has been living in Kyiv since 2000 – her postgraduate study period.
Since 2018, she has been actively interested in the housing fund management, in particular OSMD, engaged in in-depth study of legal nuances, visited several educational specialized seminars, was elected Head of the Board in 2019. Since September 2019, OSMD began self-sustained performance and now successfully serves two houses. She initiated creation of the Association “OSMD of Svyatoshinskyi district of Kyiv”.
Since the launch of OSMD – she constantly participated in various local thematic activities in different areas of work of the OSMD and housing fund management in general, supported the idea of creating a local Association of OSMD and WSC and took an active part in its work, actively engaged in educational activities among initiative groups and “young” OSMD associations of Svyatoshinskyi district. Became the author of two public budgets for her district in 2020.
Received higher education in law and economic, as well as special education. She has teaching experience in legal and other different disciplines.
Worked as the head of the legal department of a consulting company (business planning, intellectual property), headed the legal department of “System Integration” LCC, on the basis of which a number of separate businesses out of 10 different companies were built and developed during its work (until 2005 – chairmanship of the legal department of the entire holding).
Headed the legal department of the holding of the production enterprise Lisichanskyi glass factory and ten wholesale trading enterprises throughout Ukraine. Held the position of director of “Glassprom” LLC, head of the Proletarian Trading House (sales of industrial products of the plant), Deputy Head of the Supervisory Board of the Lisichanskyi Glass Plant, the main representative of the majority shareholders. At the same time – assistant to the people’s deputy of the three composition of the Verkhovna Rada and participation in the development of many bills on economics and energy.
Has two children.
Tel.: +380 97 218 40 40

Lytvyn Vasyl
Chairman of the Board of Association “OSMD of Holosiivskyi district of Kyiv”
34 years old, was born in the city of Mena, Chernihiv region.
Head of the Board of OSMD “37 KARAT” since 2016.
Since July 2019, he has been working at public meetings as a deputy head of the Self-Organization of the Population Body called “Committee of the Teremki-1 Microdistrict”.
Founder and Chairman of the Association “OSMD of Holosiivskyi district, Kyiv city”.
Took part in the local elections to the Kyiv City Council in 2020.
Has a higher education, graduated with honors from National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” with a degree in law in 2010. Also has a vocational education. Graduated with honors from Vocational college №16 with a degree in carpentry, woodworking machine operation.
Tel.: +380 97 931 66 72

Darina Tetiana
Chairwoman of the Board of Association “HCC and OSMD of Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv”
Was born on March 21, 1979 in the city of Kyiv.
Has a higher education with a degree in accounting, analysis and audit. Received secondary special education in the specialty of metallurgical production.
Head of the Board of “Chervona Zirka” HCC since 2016 and Executive Director of “Avtomat 2” HCC.
Took part in various state co-financing programs.
Founder and Head of the Association “HCC and OSMD of Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv”.
Actively attracts OSMD and HCC to the Association “HCC and OSMD of Shevchenkivskyi district, Kyiv city”, consults various HCC and OSMD on legal and accounting issues.
Takes part in television programs and television broadcasts of the leading television channels of Ukraine on issues of energy efficiency, housing and public utilities problems and the issues of OSMD, HCC. Jointly with the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, she is the initiator of changes in the Bills directly related to Housing and Public Utilities.
Head of the Public Organization “Defense of Kyiv”. Has an active public position, took part in the Revolution of Dignity, an active eco and animal rights activist. Took part in peaceful actions against the development of the green zone “Kashtanovyi Gai”. Had carried out actions in defense of the green zones of Kyiv from spontaneous trade and placement of Small architectural forms on green zones.
Had been gaining experience at the Kuibyschivsk timber industry farm since 1977, was the chief engineer of the basic forest nursery, worked as the chief accountant of “Smolovka” LLC, as well as a leading accountant on the realization of “Kyivpribor” State Enterprise, was a leading manager at “Golden-Telecom” LLC.
Tel.: +380 97 963 56 58

Kuksa Denys
Chairman of the Board of Association “OSMD of Obolonskyi district of Kyiv”
Was born in 1978 in the city of Kyiv.
Chairman of the Board of OSMD “Arovan”, Chairman of the Association “OSMD in the Obolonskyi district of Kyiv”.
Actively engages in social activity in reforming of the Housing and Public Utilities sector. Effectively manages an apartment building, creates an effective system of common safety for residents, embodies energy-saving technologies and has long-term victories in project contests 70/30 from the KCSA and their successful implementation.
Takes part in forums related to energy efficiency technology programs, communications of houses. A certified expert in engineering technologies in the field of construction and engineering communications. Actively engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of insurance and construction.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, also graduated from Odesa National Maritime Academy. Has an International NTC Pilot Certificate.
Completed an advanced training in practical ways of energy saving. (Munich-Kiev WECF).
He has appreciations from the Kyiv mayor V. Klychko for his significant personal contribution to the development and reforming of housing & public utilities and household services, introduction of highly efficient forms of housekeeping management and high professional skills, also has thanks from the chairman of ORGA – O. Tsybulschak for many years of conscientious work in the field of housing and communal services. He is actively engaged in volunteer activities aimed at helping the Ukrainian army. He was awarded gratitudes by military units.
Master of sports in kayaking, master of sports in paragliding, pilot in aerobatic flight groups at international air shows.
Tel.: +380 66 780 03 00